lulu & leo fund, 2016
CHoose Creativity campaign
In June 2016, I participated in the Lulu and Leo Fund's Day of Creativity. See below for the story behind the frame, and the recap by the Lulu and Leo Fund!
Walking through the Materials for the Arts warehouse last week, I was struck by how ordinary items suddenly seemed extraordinary. Rows & rows of discarded binders looked like art. Pieces of rusted hardware on a shelf suddenly seemed beautiful. The simple offering of these items as materials for art making -- the possibility of transforming them into something different -- seemed like one of the greatest testaments to choosing creativity. What could have ended up in a landfill was now sparking imagination & possibility.
That's what I love about making art. It's the chance to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary, of expressing the inexpressible, of turning the gritty into the beautiful, and making the impossible within reach.
These pieces were created as part of an interactive art station at the Museum of the City of New York for the Lulu and Leo Fund Benefit. Participants were invited to add a loop of string to reclaimed wood as the collective work evolved.